Accelerate remediation with prioritized guidance as well as exposure 和 risk mitigation advice that optimizes your program’s efficiency via strategic partnership.
制定政策, 程序, 和 vulnerability management processes to build collaboration across your organization, 执行处理, 并衡量你的努力的影响.
Experts use InsightVM’s leading VRM technology for comprehensive asset discovery, 云配置, 容器的评估, 报告, 和更多的.
Improve emerging threat response as 新的漏洞 happen. Optimize your risk management with threat intelligence insights 和 access to the latest CVE checks.
这不是一个普通的虚拟机扫描器. Thous和s of customers trust InsightVM – Rapid7’s industry-leading VRM solution – to gain clarity into their risk exposure, 在整个组织中扩展安全的影响, 并看到与技术团队共享的进展. 专家们使用, 指导, 和 tailoring the MVM service – or 脆弱性管理 as a Service (VMaaS) – to your business, you can drive your program forward by leveraging the complete functionality of InsightVM.
Attack surfaces 和 the number of bad actors grow in scope 和 scale every day. 你可能有一个非常能干的团队, 但随着安全漏洞的增加, it can be difficult to manage 100% of your exposure to risk. VMaaS can help you offload day-to-day operations to experts who provide the granular focus each vulnerability dem和s. 脆弱性 management 和 scanning helps extend coverage across your entire attack surface so your program can run more holistically.
每个安全组织都是不同的. 的y'll usually adopt the same or similar macro processes for buildout of a VM program, but what makes it entirely unique are the specific business needs that warrant consideration in the program’s workflows.
It is the job of your team to identify those criteria – or you can partner with 我们的VMaaS专家 to help you define them – but typically a VM program should include: complete visibility into your IT environment; tailored 报告 for various audiences; risk prioritization; automation of processes across your ecosystem.
与Rapid7 SOC专家合作, 您将收到量身定制的管理建议, 执行, 和 optimize remediation across your environment 和 lower your overall risk exposure. Your dedicated security advisor will work to underst和 your environment to deliver the consistency needed to maintain visibility into program activities 和 deliverables. 的 Rapid7托管虚拟机的优势 包括卸载扫描操作的能力, 利用威胁情报, 建立可重复的流程, 获得InsightVM的完全访问权限, 还有更多.
Managing vulnerability management program processes requires overseeing the identification, 评价, 治疗, 以及报告环境中的漏洞. 这种风险管理过程是一种演变 新的漏洞 are discovered 和 new systems added to an environment. It’s also an exercise in prioritization as your team goes about measuring the severity level of each vulnerability.